Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others, or attempting to live up to a mythical ideal?
i'm 27yrs old. in a couple of weeks i will be 28yrs old and i am always comparing myself to others, i am always looking at other women and saying, she is so much more "together" than i am, prettier than i am, more confident than i am.
recently i was challenged to stop being so hard on myself and love me for who i am. lmao, if that just isn't the hardest thing ever to do for me. i still look in the mirror and see things that i would love to change about myself.
even outside of the physical appearance i do also try to live up to the "ideal" of what i should be, a submissive woman who can cook, clean, and have everything together for her master. lmao, i hardly have everything together for myself.
but i am working on loving me for who i am, i look in the mirror now and i say to myself that i love me for who i am right now. what more can i ask for?