conventional or unconventional

it has been a looong time since i have taken the time to post here. i think its mostly because as usual i'm in limbo. i'm somewhere between all the in or all the way out.

as with each year that i grow older there are somethings that i am learning to accept as being part of me. and then there are other things that i realize that are just not a part of who i am. i know that i a submissive soul love to be possessed, loved, nurtured, and occasionally spanked. i know longer think its wrong to be my usual smart mouthed, teasing self, full of whit, humor, and sometimes down right rebellion. i know that it is okay to be all of that but still spanked for stepping out of lines. but i also know now that i'm not a huge pain slut. i am more comfortable with sticking with my spankings. piercings, branding and all that other stuff just isn't me.

we are as always trying to work it out. trying to make everything work in this very unconventional relationship. i'm still trying to figure it out. hmm, why do i feel like i'm the only someone still trying to figure it out and make it work?

ropes class and all that other stuff

admittedly it has been a while. okay a looong while but hey what can i say i had stuff going on.

stuff with a capitol STUFF. it was the non exciting d/s stuff that had to do with me finding a graduate schools that might take me despite the fact that i have a 2.8 and not a 3.0 GPA. than there is my loving wonderful boyfriend and my daughter.

well honestly things are starting to come together again they aren't where they use to be but hey i guess that's growth. this is my first serious relationship and i'm learning to live with someone to share my space with someone else who isn't seven years old.

i have no clue who recommended and got so gooey eyed over it but relationships are not easy they are hard and require so much work and compromise and uhhhgg STUFF.

hopefully i will post more often than i am now, or and i guess your wondering what ropes would i be referring to in my tag line. i'm trying something new with posture and trying to sit more like a lady and its hard as heck keeping my legs together the way they are supposed to be without the aid of some rope so hopefully soon it will become a habit.

well a girl could dream right?

its been awhile

Its been awhile since I have posted and I'm sorry about that, I kind of suck, but I've been in a really crappy mood.

Well its not so much that I've been in a crappy mood its just that things arent the same anymore in my house and I hate it. There is always so much tension, upset and hurt feelings.

It feels like my whole life is a seesaw, up one second and down the next. Hopefully soon things will get better until then.

changing the way i think

i always assumed that submission was more of a physical thing. spankings, kneeling and well the amazing subbie sex that takes place. i am currently being challenged to understand that submission is emotional and mental.

emotionally i have to trust and surrender myself fully and mentally,(this is the real challenge) mentally i have to learn how to change the way that i think. thus far it hasn't really been an easy process honestly has been a little painful.

i do honestly love how submission continues to change and shape me, leading me on a journey that is and continues to be totally unexpected. however, i do still have the tendency to want to yell at the customer service guy who isn't really listening to my request and having to repeat it a third time, uhhhggg just gets on my nerves.

and there is the constant struggle with my mother and my attempt to remind her that i am no longer her "little" girl that i'm all grown up, (smiles) the irony to this is that on a whole different level i'm trying to find and tap into my inner "little" girl.

growth is a painful process hopefully as it continues on it will become less painful and little bit easier.

sucking dick

this past weekend and week, we've had the pleasure of getting back into "practice" with somethings.

my favorite thing of all that we had the chance to practice is when i kneel in front of him and suck is dick while he is watching television. yesterday we had this discussion about how it is the reverse from of nursing.

at first when i kneel down i spend my time sucking his dick in order to make him cum and afterwards when he cums and he feeds me his seed, i continue to suck and it soothes me and sometimes i nod off to sleep.

this is one of my favorite things to do because in those moments i feel so cherised and trurly submissive.

if only i could discover things that bring me this same feeling without having to have is dick in my mouth.