i looked up the definitions for three words submit, surrender, and meek for me these three words are equally important to me across the board for it seems that without neither would really work.
submit; to give over or yield to the power or authority of another, to defer to another's judgment, opinion, decision
meek; humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others, tame
surrender; to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion, to yield or resign in favor of another.
as i considered these three words and my life in addition to my current reading Fear & Trembling i realized that i have never honestly surrender and submitted to anything outside of the sexual arena. what i am learning is that once you surrender and you submit yourself to another you have faith, Abraham and Issac type faith the person that you have surrendered to will pull through. and as a result of that surrendering and submitting the person becomes meek.
i asked myself this weekend if i could surrender and submit all areas of my life? submit emotionally, physically, intellectually, and sexually. i have never had a problem submitting sexually but could i do it in completely?
i have read so many post where women say surrender and submission is a part of the nature, it is who they were meant to be, that once they surrender and submit fully they can't see themselves going to back to living any other way.
how do i know when i've fully surrendered and submitted? i know when i have sexually and the feelings that i experience, i do have to agree i wouldn't want to go back to never experiencing that. but what about everything else? physically, mentally, emotionally? i wonder exactly how does that work, how can you honestly experience in today's world fully?
hopefully with guidance i will move in the direction of figuring out exactly how to do this?