i am a vintage freak. i love to watch old movies and listen to oldies but amazingly goodies like Billie Holiday or Etta James. i miss the details that women put into the way that they dressed for home or for time outside of the home. i miss the details that we as women were given in our panties, bras, nightgowns, and robes.
although i was never born in the era or even close to that era but i long for those times when you could see the femininity of a woman her every day clothes. women of yesteryear wore gloves and stockings, dresses and hats.
i saw something, well actually two things that i feel that i just most have. both things remind me of that time. the first is a cupless bra or a shelf bra, it was during my search for those things that remind me of that time that i happened to stumble upon this shelf bra. the other thing is the panties with no back to them.
i hope that these images help to inspire your own vintage woman.