my not so great idea

since my master and i are very new at the whole M/s dominant submissive thing, we were for a little while struggling with just finding our footing while living together and learning how to interact with a 7yr in the house. 

i was reading a blog where they were offering one on one training in conjunction with your hoh/master. so i presented the information to my hoh with big ideas and huge dreams. it didnt work out that way, instead it made me feel lost and confused and well so many other things. it was so difficult finding out what was wrong and why. 

so i prayed and talked, i talked with the person training and i talked with my hoh. after talking my hoh and i decided to take a step back and just focus on us, we decided to end the training with the other person. 

i'm not sure if i've ever said this before but if i have i think this experience just reinforced it and it i havent it introduced me to the idea that the relationship that i have with my hoh is ours. it doesnt have to be done your way, or his way, we can do it our way. so that is why the over look and tone of the site has changed it is why i have changed, i have learned to be okay with us there are standards that we have to live up except our own. 

i wish everyone luck in finding their own standard of living. 


Traditional Wife said...

Very well said, sweetie. I hope that you and your HOH will find the way that is best for you both.

Traditional Wife

b's_girl said...

thanks so much for your support. i really love your page and your message. i have been praying lately to find my way and grow spiritually. thank you again for your support it means a lot.

jade girl said...

Hi jessica marie,

i have gone through something very similar to you. i wrote about it on my (now defunct) blog about a month ago. i think there is some wisdom to be gained by listening to how other people do things, trying them and keeping what works and throwing out the rest. But in the training situation, it is difficult when somebody really doesn't know you or understand your day to day life. I am happy that I gave it a try or else I would have been curious, but I think that it can be a very dangerous thing emotionally. Mr. S and I took away some good, but we also walked away with the impression that our relationship was ours and ours alone, and that there was no way we could convey the complexity of that relationship over the internet.

aka emilia kate

b's_girl said...

thank you so much for that. i thought it was only me but learning that someone else has had a similar experience makes me feel a lot better. at first i was worried that maybe i walked away because things were more strict than i was use to, but helped to confirm that, that wasn't the issue. the issue was this person did not know and who i was. and in the end especially with domestic discipline there is a lot to be said for knowing the person who is in charge of doing the discipline.