it has been a looong time since i have taken the time to post here. i think its mostly because as usual i'm in limbo. i'm somewhere between all the in or all the way out.
as with each year that i grow older there are somethings that i am learning to accept as being part of me. and then there are other things that i realize that are just not a part of who i am. i know that i a submissive soul love to be possessed, loved, nurtured, and occasionally spanked. i know longer think its wrong to be my usual smart mouthed, teasing self, full of whit, humor, and sometimes down right rebellion. i know that it is okay to be all of that but still spanked for stepping out of lines. but i also know now that i'm not a huge pain slut. i am more comfortable with sticking with my spankings. piercings, branding and all that other stuff just isn't me.
we are as always trying to work it out. trying to make everything work in this very unconventional relationship. i'm still trying to figure it out. hmm, why do i feel like i'm the only someone still trying to figure it out and make it work?